
A Useless furniture ( a short poem written by me)

         A  Useless Furniture During the period of finding happiness, I lost myself into deep sadness. How could I forget that bright future? Now you can go far, far away from me Cause I've become a useless furniture..        Just a useless furniture. There's no meaning of my life on this Earth, There's nothing without hatred that I worth. How could I ruin that golden future? Now you can go far, far away from me Cause I'v vbecom a useless furniture..            Just a useless furniture. Kavita Sharma
I was reading a novel written by a unique novelist, Charles Dickens ,  " A Tale of Two Cities "  in the opening paragraph of the novel he has written about his age in the following manner: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the season of light, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us.... From the quotation cited above, I'm motivated to write something as we are facing the similar situation cause of COVID-19 or CORONAVIRUS. I write in the following manner: "It is the best of times": since the schools, colleges and offices are closed, we spend whole day with family and we don't have to be rush for anything. 😊 "it is the worst of times":_ because of such a deadly virus, COVID-19, the whole world is living indoors. We can't go out and can't hangout with friends😥. We are living a life like a presoner of Bastille ☹️ "it is the age of